Current Health Issues
The future is precision medicine
This is an emerging era for the P4 medicine concept. Healthcare that is participatory, personalized,
predictive, and preventive [1] is expected to replace the traditional unilateral trial-and-error
medicine. This will be achieved through precision medicine. The US National Human Genome
Research Institute defines precision medicine to be “an innovative approach that uses information
about an individual's genomic, environmental, and lifestyle information to guide decisions related to
their medical management.” [1]. Incorporating all areas of a person’s life will ensure that their
treatment plan is uniquely designed for the best rate of success.
By 2030, it is anticipated that deaths due to chronic illnesses will increase to 70% [2]. Like
cardiovascular diseases, which currently top the list for the highest contributor to the global burden
of disease [3], many chronic illnesses are preventable. For instance, 80% of premature heart attacks
and strokes can be largely prevented through lifestyle modifications [4]. Currently, disease
treatments are not optimized for an individualized treatment approach. The urgency of the era is to
promote a long health span so people can live longer, healthier lives.
Life expectancy is expected to rise. In the next eighty years, over 20% of the global population will be
aged 65 years or older [5]. Taking a step forward and focusing on the preventive aspect of medicine
will enable the disease state to be as short as possible for improved health outcomes. Combining
precision and preventive medicine is the best course of action to promote healthful longevity on a
personal and society level. This will combine epigenetic data, lifestyle interventions, biomarkers,
digital health measures, and genomic data for a truly all-rounded approach towards preventing and
treating illness. The by-product of this process is a longer state of wellness.
IHLAD is a healthcare start-up pioneered towards precision lifestyle medicine that is personalized
and precise. We are dedicated to revolutionizing the shift from healthcare to well-care. This new era
of medicine will harness the cutting-edge epigenetic research to provide custom-made treatment
plans. These will encompass each individual’s unique genetic print, lifestyle, and medical status.
IHLAD is focused on combining science, technology, and AI to deliver the best possible state-of-art
individualized treatment. By understanding the epigenetic factors that impact health, we will
develop targeted interventions with a high success rate.